Agriplaza partner of the KMC mountainbiketeam

The KMC mountainbiketeam has found a partner in Agriplaza who will support them in mountain biking and gravel sports. The estate agent for agricultural real estate from Tynaarlo is happy to associate its name with the team that competes in competitions such as the Drenthe200 up to the Cape Epic in South Africa.

“If you want to expand your agricultural business, move it, bring it into a partnership or take over another agricultural business, there is a lot involved. Just think of the changing and complex regulations. We support our customers in all these matters. Through my work I came into contact with former Dutch marathon champion Tim Smeenge from Zeegse of the KMC mountain bike team. As a company, we then decided to support Tim and his team in realizing their dreams in mountain biking,” says Harry Nijborg on behalf of Agriplaza.

In addition to Tim Smeenge, the KMC mountain bike team consists of Gerben Mos (Meppel), Teus Ruijter (Siebengewald), Rozanne Slik (Heerenveen) and Mariëlle Trouwborst (Zoetermeer)

fltr: Dolf Nijborg, Tim Smeenge en Harry Nijborg